Looking for a Personal 1 on 1 Consultation for your next
Western Hunting Experience!

~ State Coverage ~ 

Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Nebraska, North & South Dakota

Jim Loomis with his impressive 2016 Wyoming high country bull

Jim Loomis with his impressive 2016 Wyoming high country bull

Ron Niziolek posing with owner Tyler Ferris and his 2016 Wyoming bull

Ron Niziolek posing with owner Tyler Ferris and his 2016 Wyoming bull

Seth Wheeler hammered this solid WY bull the day after Jim's

Seth Wheeler hammered this solid WY bull the day after Jim's

Gotta Fill this Section in... 



Virostko's Hunt Application Service

We have partnered with David Virostko of Kanab, Utah to bring our clientele, hands down one of the best western big game application services in the industry. I have worked with David for quite a few years now, he is a passionate and hard working individual, it's almost contagious. He spends all year researching, just to keep up with all the new regulations, units, hunts, and anything that may pertains to drawing that tag of a lifetime. You don't have to be wealthy to play the game, he can sit down with you, break down each state, how they work, and establish what you'd like to do for the near future. Dave will customize a personal portfolio, keep track of all your points, and leave with a solid long term hunting strategy to keep tags in your pockets. Dave personally handles all of WHC's applications across the West, over the past several seasons I have been lucky enough to draw several coveted tags and capitalize. If you're seriously looking to expand your hunting out West, and wanting to learn about the draw process across the west, then having Dave handle all your tag application needs is an absolute must in our book!